Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Learn to Relax

Learn To Relax

Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated...disturbed...and unsettled. - John 14:27 AMP
A well known Bible teacher says: "We can only walk in peace if we're willing to be adaptable and adjust to people and circumstances. When I lived in 'explode mode' it never failed that one of my children would spill something at the dinner table every night...and every night I had a fit. One night I was under the table because the milk had made it to the crack in the middle and was running down...The children were upset and somebody kicked me in the head, which made me even madder. I knew it was an accident...but somehow that didn't seem to matter... [Then] the Holy Spirit spoke to me - right under that table - and said: 'Once the milk's spilled, no matter how big a fit you throw you're not going to get it to run back up the table into the glass. You need to learn to go with the flow.'"
Jesus said, "[Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated...disturbed...and unsettled]." In other words, work on controlling your reactions. Stop losing your peace over every little thing that goes wrong in your life. When there's nothing you can do about the situation, learn to let it go and keep your joy. Ask God to help you get over life's little offences and irritations quickly, whether it's a glass of spilled milk or somebody who's hurt your feelings.
When you put as much energy into 'letting go' as you do into 'stewing and steaming' and trying to control every possible outcome, you'll find that God's peace "which is so great we cannot understand it" (Php 4:7 NCV) will start to fill your heart and your home.
(Ref: Word for Today, New Zealand)
Just thought this is an interesting perspective - life happens, and reacting negatively ain't gonna change it. I found this quite inspiring, I hope you do, too! :-)

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