Monday, October 1, 2007


October 1st, 2007 by easterngifts

Bet the title got your attention, didn’t it?

Yes, I do enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner every night, and whilst we’ve got some stunning recipies on our site (, I haven’t told you about where to get some wine to go with these recipes.


And speaking of wine and recipes, have you tried our stunning tagine recipes yet? The last I made was the shrimp tagine and I’m thinking its about high time I make another tagine. They’re easy, convenient and healthy (and ONE glass of red wine at night is good for you!:-)

But, what about your home? I’m talking about the financing and looking after your home?

Need a second bond? Click here to apply online.

Save money, enjoy a delicious glass of red wine (or white, if you prefer) and allow us to take care of your all home decor, kitchenware and gifting requirements.



P.S. Don’t forget our competition - win a R350.00 gift voucher simply by registering for our newsletter. Competition closes 15 November 2007.

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