Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Telecom : How may we help you?

Customer : I haff a big problem with my phone bill. My wife, she think I haffing an affair!

Telecom : Okay Sir, and how can we help you with this?

Customer : My bill haff all these calls to Salulah and my wife think I haffing an affair with this woman, but I never heard of her before. I need to trace these calls please.

Telecom : Sir, I'm sorry but the bill won't actually tell you the name of the person you're calling, just their number.

Customer : This one does.Telecom : What phone do you have, Sir?

Customer : A mobile. I tell you this.

Telecom : No, Sir, what make? What do you have in your hands?

Customer : An erection

.............................................. After a moment's silence, the gallant Telecom worker continued.

Telecom : Um, sir? Could you spell that for me?

Customer : For sure - E..R..I..C..S..S..O..N. Erection................................................Another moment's silence from Telecom, and suddenly the penny dropped.

Telecom : Sir? Can you spell Salulah for me?

Customer : For sure. C..E..L..L..U..L..A...R. Salulah.

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