Friday, August 10, 2007

Make a Significant Change today...

Make a Significant Change Today!

Every Monday morning I receive the most inspiring and motivating newsletters from Brian Walsh, CEO of I thought I’d share this with you as it really challenged me to tackle some issues that needed changing.

“Ask yourself these questions: What could I do this week that would make a significant difference in my life? What steps could I take towards making massive, positive change?

In one of my Friday Newsletters (20 July) I talked about the quality of our lives being directly related to the quality of our questions. We should see each new week as an opportunity to make significant change, and by asking ourselves the right questions, we can identify where these opportunities lie and set about making such changes.

Write down what significant changes you would like to make. Maybe your health is suffering or you are overweight; maybe your cash flow is in trouble and you are being swallowed by debt; maybe you have thought about expanding a section of your business but have just not moved on it yet. We all have areas of our lives that we could make constructive, beneficial changes to.

So decide what actions you can take to make this happen for your life, starting today. It doesn’t matter how busy you are – no excuses; just do it! Don't put it off because that’s the very reason you haven’t acted on it yet in the first place! Take 10 minutes of your time right now to do this – it could change your life.

Have a truly phenomenal, productive week.

Your Entrepreneurial Coach
Brian Walsh”

For more and other articles like these, log onto my site

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