Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Educate Yourself to Success

From Brian Walsh, Founder and CEO of Entrepreneur.co.za

As my own choice of investment for myself, I spend about R7000 per month on acquiring and using products that educate me on how to run my business better, become more effective and generally achieve greater success. One thing that I have learnt over the years is that it is just plain stupid to think you can figure it all out yourself! It still baffles me why entrepreneurs don't seem to understand the power of learning, the power of educating themselves to do things better.

I have always said that the measure of achieving true success is the ability to create the same or greater results whilst expending less effort and using less resources. To do this, you need to acquire knowledge and expertise and continuously educate yourself - as the market and technology evolves, entrepreneurs need to work to adapt and evolve accordingly, and this means constantly keeping up with what works best now, and staying a few steps ahead. You need to be constantly looking out for better ways of doing things.

Commit yourself to learning. This week, go out and buy or subscribe to a product or learning aid that will teach you on an ongoing basis how to be a better, more successful entrepreneur and a better, more fulfilled person as a whole.
Remember that all successful entrepreneurs are committed life-time learners. Go out and learn as it is the greatest tool you have available towards becoming a more successful entrepreneur.

Your Entrepreneurial Coach
Brian WalshFounder and CEO of Entrepreneur.co.za

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