Monday, July 2, 2007

Learning confusing lessons the hard way.

Or shall I say learning hard lessons the confusing way? Here is my story: I manage a number of blogs, primarily (and yes, I do admit this) to promote my business and my site. However, while most of the platforms are primarily interactive and engaging, there is one platform where I received the following comments: "pimping myself and my site", "enough of the sales schpeel", "put more of yourself out there", etc, etc, etc.

Now, this is where my confusion lies. The platform where I received these comments was a business blog platform. So, now I'm wondering - if, on a business blog whose sole purpose is to promote one's business, I am getting these comments, what then exactly should the blog content be to satisfy the readers AND promote my business at the same time?

I can almost understand the comments if the platform was one of a personal nature, or relating to politics or religion - but this was a business platform. Which only adds to my confusion of this situation.

So, I thought I'd ask bloggers out there. Bearing in mind that my blogs have contained recipes, how to's, gift ideas, etc - what is it that you would like to read here that will serve both your purposes and mine? Is it really necessary to write a four page schpeel on being grateful (for an example) to elevate the interest of the blogs?

Let me know what you think.


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