Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Big Secret

Hi, there

I’m not a very articulate writer, so please bear with me while I attempt to put into words what I am thinking. I truly believe that God, or life, will bring each of us into situations or circumstances to learn life’s lessons in order for each of us to become so much more than what we currently are. If we don’t learn the lesson, we will find ourselves repeating the same circumstances or situations (or mistakes, if you will) until the lesson is learnt. We will all, whether consciously or not, continue through this life. The only difference when we do it consciously is that we will be active participants in life’s lessons as opposed to just letting life pass us by – without ever growing as people.

Right, now onto what I really want to discuss. Yesterday, on my blog, I placed a post discussing the power of positive thought, relating specifically to the Big Secret. Now, I had never heard or read about the Big Secret before, so it surprises me somewhat that not only have I been invited to a seminar on Thursday evening, specifically discussing the Big Secret, but on opening Cosmo today (yes, I do read Cosmo) there is a whole article discussion the Big Secret.

While, I find it very hard to grasp that you can simply think yourself healthy or rich or popular, I definitely do think there is merit and some substance to the power of positive thought. Yet, I think it goes a little deeper than that. I think it’s not just thinking positively, it’s about changing that gut-instinct, that natural inclination that we all have to certain circumstance and situations. For example, if someone has a natural tendency to be unwell, e.g. suffering from headaches, a weak tummy, and general unspecific body complaints – their natural inclination therefore is to not feel well. They may wake up every morning with some sort of symptom, because their natural inclination is to expect that. Thinking positive thoughts over a couple of days or weeks may not necessarily change that – what has to be changed is that natural inclination, which goes so much deeper than just thinking “I feel wonderful”.

And while I do certainly believe that the power of positive thought can influence our lives tremendously and is definitely a start in changing that natural inclination that we all have, we cannot ever fully control life. And that is my biggest concern regarding the Big Secret. It almost comes across (from what I have read) rather glib – just think good and life will be good. And yet, there will be elements in this life that we will never be able to control – not by positive thinking or any other means. Cosmo goes on to state the following concerns regarding the Big Secret: “Of course, there are those who don’t buy the idea. ‘I see two traps in this secret,’ writes Anthony George from Washington. ‘One is that you can blow off compassion for your fellow humans because you think they’re suffering only because they brought it on themselves. The other trap is that when you get cancer or your child dies, you’ll be sucked into despair because you’ll blame yourself.’”

Right, going back to my first point, I believe that the lesson for me is just that – while bearing in mind that thinking positive may not change my circumstances, it will definitely change my attitude – and will be a step in the right direction in changing that natural inclination towards the negative that I have. My fear though, is that if I don’t learn the lesson now, I will keep on repeating it. Why else am I suddenly being given all this information on the power of positive thought and the Big Secret through e-mail, magazines and seminars? All from completely unrelated sources?

Let’s hope the lesson can be learnt, but I suppose only time will tell.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was wondering if anyone has read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and if there were any opinions on how Atlas Shrugged fitted into the concept of the Big Secret.
